8. Real Estate Bulletin. Tourist tax in Catalonia

The Government has given the green light to the regulation that develops the tax on stays in tourist establishments so that it enters into force on November 1, as provided for by law. During his appearance after the meeting of the Executive Council, the Government spokesman emphasized that “with this tax figure, Catalonia is equated […]


4. Real Estate Bulletin. Properties undeclared!

HACIENDA FINE FOR PROPERTIES RENTED WITHOUT DECLARING!! The tax agency raises its collection through research 16% until July, reaching 6.4 billion. An important part of this money has been obtained by detecting 4,500 rented properties without declaring thanks to the crossing of light consumption information. Hacienda has verified, thanks to the electric companies, that there […]


1. Real Estate Bulletin

The Ministry of Industry prepares a regulation that will force all houses that are sold or rented in Spain to have an Energy Certificate. It is a document that will describe how effective a house is in terms of energy consumption and whose cost could be around 250 euros for a medium-sized house. This requirement […]