39. Energy certifications without control in rents.

Since June 2013 the energy certificate is obligatory for anyone who wants to sell or rent their home. While merchantings the notary exercises a control task and requires the certificate to notarize the operation, this does not happen in the rental. Many home rule do it because, being a private contract, any competent body is monitoring the floors that have rented it. But keep in mind that if you signed the lease the tenant decides to denounce it, the owner could face fines of up to 6,000 euros.

Leases, to be private between the parts, are not affected by any inspection body or monitoring to ensure they are correct in form, conditions, etc. While contracts must undergo the provisions of the legislation, there is no current body to oversee this is happening.

Where the administration is itself demanding and controlling the energy certificate of vacation is in mediation between landlords and tenants that she offers. This is the example of rents that are part of the bag Agència de l’habitatge de Catalunya or rent Plan of the Community of Madrid.

Indeed, the own telephone service of the latter body reported that one of the pre-registration of a bag housing rent property requirements is that the present owner of the property the energy label.