On July 14, the initial approval and public information of the Special Urban Plan for the Regulation of Homes for Tourist Use in Vilanova i la Geltrú was published in the Barcelona BOP.

Main aspects to highlight:

A. A set of limits is established for the implementation of HUTs, which operate cumulatively. They are as follows:

– Limit by area: In each area indicated on the plan, there may be a maximum percentage of HUTs on total homes of between 2%, 2.30%, 2.60% and 3.80%, depending on the area in question (art. 11 and plan N2). The maximum percentage for each area of ​​the city results from art. 11 and the N2 plane.

– Limit per cadastral block (“Illa cadastral”): A maximum number of admissible HUTs is established in each cadastral block (art. 12 and plan N3).

– Limit by type of dwelling (articles 14 and 15 and plan N4):
to. In the case of a single-family home (“unihabitatge”), the new HUT must be at a distance from any other pre-existing HUT of:
§ 30 meters for semi-detached and,
§ 50 meters for the isolated mode.
b. In the case of buildings (“plurihabitatge”), a maximum percentage of HUTs with respect to total dwellings is required in said building. The limit varies depending on the total number of dwellings in the building in question and is between 10% and 20%.
B. Regarding existing HUTs that do not comply with the requirements of the new Plan, it is established that the non-conforming use regime will be applied to them, which implies some limitations regarding the possible works to be carried out. However, the transmission of HUTs in a situation of non-compliant use is allowed.
C. At the same time, the suspension of the granting of licenses for new HUTs is agreed, which would end on May 14, 2021. This suspension does not apply to transfers or changes of ownership of pre-existing licenses, unless they involve the substantial expansion or modification from the same. The territorial scope of suspension of licenses is delimited in plane N5.

The complete documentation of the plan is accessible at this link: https://www.vilanova.cat/espai_public/planejament_derivat_en_tramit