A breath of hope at time of coronavirus: the vaccine of Pfizer and BioNTech

The international community finds a vaccine for the virus that has already charged  the life of more of 1,7 million people

At the same time that the virus of the Covid-19 began to cross borders, laboratories of all the world started a race against time to find a vaccine that countered at the new pathogen. In spite of splitting of the premise that the enquiry of vaccines characterises for a high level of failure, never before the international community had worked conjoint and coordinatedly for an aim of maximum priority: brake at the virus that, according to the Johns Hopkins University, has already infected more than 77 million people. 

Of these infected, 1,7 million have died in the battle against the coronavirus. For this reason, after a year marked by the pandemia and a crisis that has rooted at almost all the sectors, the vaccine of Pfizer and BioNTech appears this Christmas as the best of the gifts. The States member of the European Union have already posed dates to start vaccinating. In Spain, it will be the 27th, the 28th or the 29th of December. Catalonia, Cantabria, Asturias, Extremadura and The Rioja have announced that  will vaccinate the same 27th of December. 

Definitely, a breath of hope necessary before dismissing the year and receive with open arms at a very welcomed 2021.