

As the Blog of Holidaylettingsclub is oriented to the leisure of our friends and clients, this post will be useful to recommend you something. I just left the cinema, to see Los Miserables


If you like Victor Hugo and have read Los Miserables you may like this version or not, this musical directed by Tom Hooper (director of The King’s Speech) and starring, among others, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried , Eddie Redmayne, Aaron Tveit, Samantha Barks, Helena Bonham Carter, Sacha Baron Cohen…

2012-12-25 22.56.18

This entry is not a movie review because I am not a film critic; But I would like to say that I have loved the fidelity to the musical, a little less to the work and very much the direction, the continuity of the history, the atmosphere… Incredible the costumes of Paco Delgado, photos worthy of Goya… And, above all, the performance… How they interpret the songs, without cuts… Crowe interpreting to Javert; Or Jackman to Jean Valjean, Hathaway of Fantine (I was impressed)… The point of humor is put by Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen…

Anyway, I don’t want to be boring,  I leave you trying to create in you the need to go and see the movie, which in my modest opinion will win everything…

Merry Christmas, Bon Nadal, Feliz Nadal, Merry Noël, Joyeux Christmas…