Spain chronic disease: A vision of contemporary Spanish economy.

A vision of the contemporary Spanish economy.

“The article refers, as the title of the writing describes, the pillars of a sick economy, an economy that is far from any contemporary country. Our country has been constantly and deliberately mistreated by political and economic systems unrelated to the course of history.

One aspect to be taken into account is that most Western countries have lacked democratic mandates, or something that seemed to them, well into the second half of the twentieth century. Spain has not been less. To establish a frame of reference, I will start with the Spain of the Restoration.


Cánovas, the architect of this historical period, created a system of turns with the “Liberal” party of Sagasta. This moment is not far enough from what it really means. An economy that characterized one more chapter of the history of this country: An economy centered in the agricultural world, with little investment in human and technological capital and a balance in suspension of payments. A poorly managed gold standard and poor management of the Bank of Spain, followed by an extremely conservative economic policy. Adding to it constant conflicts.

Primo, the Second Republic, the Civil War, Franco … It is curious and at the same time alarming the little evolution that has occurred from 1875 (Date of beginning of the Restoration) until 1975 (Date of the fall of the dictatorship of the Franco regime ). A country that has not been able to end with constant inflation and structural debt over the course of history, a trade balance betrayed by constant tariffs of political profile …

Spain, unlike the leading western countries, has never been able to create adapted wages (leaving aside the country that is born from the Spanish transition) and to give freedom. Key word that has never managed to manage Spain and its leaders.

There have been some liberal economic policies (Cabestany, Ullastres). It is curious that to influence measures of a certain liberal aspect have to make reference to Francoist ministers.


With this I do not want to argue that as conservative measures have been taken, Spain has not gone well. No, it is not. Even the main spirit of Capitalism, such as the United States, has had and its currently holding conservative political leaders. In my view, the problem has been the lack of a reformist spirit towards policies of personal freedom. Premises that have arrived with the entrance of democracy; When Locke with his social contract, Hume and his monetary theory, Adam Smith, Marshall and others preached ideas that have led to the consolidation of the ideal of freedom and private property. The problem is and will be, functional illiteracy and cultural deprivation of the population and our politicians.

This is my brief contribution of why Spain has not been able to evolve along with the other countries. I hope that my humble contribution serves, at least, as a pretext to raise questions and; Above all, to improve.

Banco de España

Quim F. Ruiz